
She Doesn’t Want Her Fiancé’s Other Child At Their House During The Week They’re Bringing Their New Baby Home, But Her Husband Doesn’t Understand Why

gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
gpointstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Bringing home a new baby is a beautiful experience but also a very stressful and exhausting one.

One woman asked her fiancé if he would leave his daughter with his ex during the week they bring their new baby home, but he doesn’t understand why.

She’s 21-years-old and has been with her fiancé for a little over a year. Two months into their relationship, her fiancé discovered that his ex-girlfriend had given birth to a daughter he didn’t know about. They conducted a paternity test, and two months after the baby was born, he found out it was his.

Since then, his daughter has been a part of their life, and he shares custody of her with his ex.

“I never resented this and actually really like her,” she explained.

“I’ve never met the mom and don’t plan on it for a while, so there is zero drama there. I help watch her and raise her when we have her every Wednesday night and every other weekend.”

Six months into her relationship with her fiancé, they found out they were expecting a baby of their own. She only has about six weeks left until their son is due. Although she cares for her fiancé’s daughter, she’s still only a little over a year old and has a few behavioral issues.

For instance, she’s very fussy, and she’ll only calm down if she’s being held. Her fiancé’s daughter is also in a screaming phase and screams a lot. 

She knows that things will be pretty stressful around the house with their newborn baby and her fiancé’s young daughter, so she asked her fiancé if his daughter could stay with her mom during the first week their son is home.

gpointstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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