A man has a close female friend who is 31-years-old and about to get married just one month from now.
He calls her his “work wife” and they were coworkers back when he had his very first job. They became extremely close at work, and even after he left that job, she continued to be one of his best friends.
He spends time with her several days a week, and she’s engaged to a man that he really does like.
Her wedding is in May, so imagine his surprise when he found out that his friend is very active on a dating app.
“Yesterday, a friend of mine found her on Bumble and texted me screenshots,” he explained. “I sent them to her asking if there is something I should know, and she replied that they must be from when she was still single and that she probably forgot to turn it off.”
“Thing is, I recognize the pictures and they’re recent. My GF and I are even in one of them. I had spoken to her fiancé earlier that day about bachelor party plans and everything sounded like it’s very much still on.”
His friend is pretty much drop-dead gorgeous and makes amazing money, and in contrast, the guy she’s about to marry isn’t on her level.
He’s more “blue-collar” and many of their friends believe that she could find a better guy to settle down with, though he thinks this guy is good for her.
“…He treats her like a princess, a big upgrade from the trash…boys she’s dated in the past,” he said.
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