
This Adorable Corgi Is Suffering From Mysterious Skin Issues

Austin, Texas. Douglas is a fun-loving seven-year-old corgi who has been healthy and happy for most of his life.

But recently, his owner Angela noticed that his long-term skin issues and irritation had been progressively declining and that the sweet pup was in pain.

When his owner took him to the vet, however, they were unable to detect the cause of the issue. Even with a range of treatments, there had been no visible improvements.

The post listed all the methods they had employed to no avail; “topical ointments, medicated baths, oral antibiotics, and steroids, along with medicated food with little to no improvement.”

A friend, referred to only as NF, posted the GoFundMe in the hopes of supporting Angela as she seeks treatment for Douglas’ condition.

She affirmed her friend, writing, “Angela is putting her pride aside to humbly ask for the help of friends and strangers alike to provide Doug with the care he needs to bring his quality of life back to where it once was.”

The post includes photos of the poor pup’s rashy body and one of his feet, though he is still cute as ever.

He has persevered through rounds of diagnostic testing, but Angela hopes that he will be able to return to his whole “happy, goofy self” as soon as possible.

GoFundMe; pictured above is Douglas

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