
Her Brother Disappeared 4 Years Ago And She Just Got A Mysterious Call From A Woman Claiming To Know What Happened To Him But She Isn’t Sure If It’s Just A Scam

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A woman has a brother who’s close to her age, and they’re about 26-years-old. When her brother turned 22-years-old, he moved out of their family’s house and completely vanished.

Although she tried to call him and text him, he wouldn’t reply. She later suspected his phone number was then changed.

“We had gone years without knowing where he went or what had happened to him,” she explained.

“Obviously it made me, his sister, and our mom very upset. At times we considered the possibility that he died and we won’t ever see him again, and that sucked.”

“Literally, nobody was ever able to find him or find a way to contact him.”

Recently, she got a call from a number she did not recognize, and it was from a different state than the one she lives in.

She figured it was a spam call and didn’t pay any attention. But then, a voicemail popped up on her phone from this same number so she played it.

The mysterious voicemail was from a woman she didn’t know, and this woman stated that she bet she already knew what had happened to her brother.

The woman continued to say it was important that she speaks to her, and asked to get a call back.

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