What would you do if you went on a date with somebody and they refused to speak in their normal voice for the entire time, opting instead to do impressions of cartoon characters?
Lizzie, who goes by @lizzie7773 on TikTok, went to the Houston Galleria for a date, and she met this man through a dating app.
They sat down at a restaurant, and Lizzie thought that perhaps her date was just anxious, as he began talking like the characters from the adult cartoon King of the Hill.
Lizzie’s date switched between the voices of a few different characters before she gently attempted to get him to use his normal voice.
Lizzie knew things were not going well, and then this guy lied to Lizzie about what he does for a living, stating he’s a private investigator.
It turns out he was not being honest – he was actually unemployed yet volunteered for Texas Equusearch ( a non-profit organization that helps locate people who go missing).
Then this guy told Lizzie he couldn’t buy her lunch for her, which didn’t upset her that much, but he was downing drinks and Lizzie was concerned he was going to stick her with the bill for his food and drinks!
“Sir, I’m going to go ahead and dip on out of here,” Lizzie explained in her video. “So I asked for my check and then he kind of looked offput, like lady, I just told you I’m broke and I can’t pay for your lunch.”
Oh, and he was still speaking to Lizzie in his impressions, so she let him know she had to go home. Lizzie got out of there, but she stayed in the mall to do some shopping.
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She proceeded to run into the guy two more times while she was in the mall, and she had already made the move to block him since the date was that bad.
“When I got home I had four love notes from this man,” Lizzie continued. “So, apparently, the quick exit, the ignoring worked – he fell in love with me, and I was never to see him again.”
“I wonder where he’s at now?”