She Turned Down Her Boyfriend’s Proposal Since He Gave Her A Ring And She Hates Jewelry

White golden wedding ring with diamonds in blue vintage velvet ring box on gray lace background
torriphoto - - illustrative purposes only

While it’s certainly traditional to propose to someone with a ring, this woman absolutely hates jewelry. She dislikes necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and rings – all those things cause her to scratch and irritate her skin.

She actually has a scar on her wrist from the last time she wore a bracelet. Her boyfriend is well aware of her aversion to accessories, as they have been dating for six years, yet they’ve known one another for a decade.

Her house is jewelry-free, and she has always been very vocal with her boyfriend that she does not intend to add any pieces to her life, especially not if they get engaged or married.

“When we talked about proposing, I told him that if he gave me a ring or any jewelry, I would say no,” she explained.

“I’ve told him many times that I would feel like he didn’t know me if he did that and that the only situation I could imagine a ring in would be if I proposed to him and he wore it.”

“I felt like he understood me and that we were on the same page. And then Valentine’s Day came. We had a nice day at the cinema, then a long walk and we back home for dinner he made. He proposed when we were done eating.”

Her boyfriend got down on one knee, pulled out a silver ring, and attempted to jam it on her finger. She demanded to know what he thought he was doing.

Her boyfriend was puzzled and said to her that proposals are supposed to look exactly like that as he kept trying to force the ring on her. That scared her.

They got into a lengthy and heated fight after that, and he offered up an apology before trying to make her believe she was being too dramatic.

White golden wedding ring with diamonds in blue vintage velvet ring box on gray lace background
torriphoto – – illustrative purposes only

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They slept in separate rooms that night, and the following day, he did not come home at all. Instead, her boyfriend went to stay with his parents, and they have not actually seen one another since the failed proposal.

Their friends and their family members are bombarding her with messages and trying to speak to her about what happened.

“Everyone is saying I [am] overreacting and thinks I should just take this ring. But I really hate this idea and I don’t even know if I want to see him again,” she said.

“…What kind of proposal did I want? I would literally take anything but jewelry (whether fake or real). Flowers? Sure. Nothing? Fine. Spoon? Fine. Dishwashing liquid? You know what? Yes, that’s important, sure. People in the comments are talking about things like a tractor, a sword, or a tattoo. I’d take anything. Just not jewelry.”

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