This woman spent a ton of time at her grandma’s cabin in the woods when she was little. Her grandma lived on a couple of acres in an area that was absolutely considered to be off the grid.
Her grandma didn’t have water or power, though she did have a generator she kicked on for an hour a day to get things done.
Mainly, this meant her grandma’s house was cold and dark since it lacked modern luxuries.
“Living off-grid also means there are no bathrooms, only outhouses,” she explained. “So, that being said, any time you needed to use the restroom, you had to walk a pretty long distance from the cabin to the outhouse (about a football field’s length or so).”
“During the daytime, it’s not a problem at all. You can see and it’s not as intense. However, at night is a different story.”
One evening while she was staying over with her grandma, she got up and had to go to the bathroom. Normally, her grandma made her wake her up so she could accompany her on the long walk through the night, but she was feeling pretty self-sufficient, despite only being 10-years-old.
So, she climbed out of bed, picked up a flashlight, and set off for the outhouse. On her way there, she heard the sound of a branch snapping, and she felt regret for having not woken up her grandma.
She was terrified as she heard the sounds of something in the woods continuing, and she moved her flashlight over to where the noises were coming from.
She was horrified when the beam of light hit a person, not an animal, and this person was standing pretty close to her. She was unable to move, that’s how scared she was.
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“It wasn’t a normal person, something was wrong, very wrong. Their face was contorted into a vile grin, teeth bared and neck tilted,” she added.
“They were standing weird; their stance wide but their shoulders hunched, with that tilted neck. It looked… unnatural.”
“At this point, I’m not even sure I was breathing, I remember the flashlight in my hand shaking so badly that I couldn’t tell if the figure was moving closer to me, or if it was just a trick of the light. And that’s when it started to beckon me.”
The man waved her over, and she managed to begin running away from him. But then she tripped and lost her flashlight.
She kept hustling back to the cabin, and when she got there, she pushed the front door open so hard that she went crashing onto the ground.
Her grandma woke up and ran to her to see what on earth was wrong. She was crying as she pointed out the door.
“There, outside, with the flashlight’s beam perfectly illuminating it, was the crooked man, still beckoning me with its hand,” she continued.
“My grandma’s reaction to this was honestly the scariest part. She seemed utterly unaffected and proceeded to open the front door (much to my screaming disapproval). She walked down the front porch, into the dark and began yelling at the man. “I told you to leave, you’re not welcome here,” she said.
“Not moving on is one thing, but scaring my granddaughter is my last straw. Leave, before I make you leave.” And with that, she came back into the cabin, and locked the door.”
She managed to ask her grandma why this scary man was at her home, and her grandma responded that he happened to live there before she did.
However, the man took his own life in the trees, and he couldn’t seem to move on.
You can read the original post below.