His Wife Left Him Over Adam Driver And Her Obession With Writing Steamy Kylo Ren Fanfiction

This 31-year-old man spent seven years with his 29-year-old wife, but three years ago, she left him. While he’s tried to carry on without her, it’s hard to do.
It’s especially difficult for him for two reasons: one, he believed they were happy and shared an unbreakable bond, and two, he still feels hurt and humiliated.
“But in hindsight maybe I should’ve known. Because looking back I think she was always waiting for Adam Driver,” he explained.
“We met in 2016. She was amazing. Funny, smart, into video games, music, Star Wars. Basically the dream.”
“But there was one thing. She was obsessed with Kylo Ren. At first, I thought it was just a silly crush. She’d get all excited whenever he was on screen. Whatever. People have celebrity crushes. No big deal. Except it never stopped.”
His wife got herself a tattoo of Kylo Ren. She managed a TikTok fan account dedicated to Adam Driver. She created herself a Twitter account and picked out a handle mentioning she was Kylo Ren’s wife.
She sobbed when Kylo Ren died. She shared edited photos of Adam Driver. His wife’s entire life centered on Kylo Ren and Adam Driver, no exaggeration.
Every year on his wife’s birthday, he attempted to do something fun to celebrate, but she would tell him no and say she just wanted to watch whatever Adam Driver’s latest flick was.
“So for six straight years I spent her birthday sitting in the dark watching her watching him,” he added. “I sat through Blackkklansman while she twirled her hair. I endured Marriage Story while she whispered “He’s so powerful” under her breath.”

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From there, his wife picked up writing fanfiction centered on, you guessed it, Kylo Ren. He mentioned that it was strange, inappropriate, and just creepy.
Also, since his wife had a job working with children, he was worried that her new hobby would negatively impact her career.
His wife quickly gained a ton of followers, and her fanfiction was a big hit. Other Kylo Ren fans were enamored with her work.
His wife’s followers made her believe she was so incredibly talented that she put together three complete fanfictions in the span of three months.
His curiosity got the best of him, so one evening, he took a peek at his wife’s work, and instantly regretted it. Her story was disgusting and brimming with details.
His wife put together a physical copy of one of her stories and proudly showed off those 400 or more pages to anyone who would listen to her as she bragged about writing a book. He thought it was a work of garbage and didn’t deserve to be called a book.
“Valentine’s Day 2022. She asked me if I would dress up as Kylo Ren in bed. At that point, I snapped. I told her I was her husband. That this wasn’t normal,” he said.
“She tried to give me some sob story about how I didn’t give her enough attention. That the only place she ever felt truly desired was in her fanfiction community. She left me that week. Moved to a big city. Started chasing her trashy writing dreams. She writes them professionally now.”
Not that long ago, he looked her up on social media and was shocked to see she actually got to meet Adam Driver in real life.
They snapped a bunch of selfies together, and those selfies are her profile photos.
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