He Was Fired And Then Asked To Train The Guy Replacing Him, So He Laughed At HR

Image of happy businessman 30s wearing suit talking on cell phone while working on computer in office
Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

How would you feel if you got fired from your job, and then asked to train the guy replacing you? That’s exactly what happened to this 28-year-old man who has spent the last five years of his life working for a company.

He says he was great at his specific job, and he never once encountered any problems in his career. Not only that, but he had been tasked with training several new people brought into the company over the years.

Several months back, he got a brand new manager at work, and as soon as he met this woman, he could see she hated him.

“No real reason, just constant nitpicking,” he explained. “Last week, I was called into a meeting and fired. No warning, no performance issues—just “we’re going in a different direction.”

He was livid, but he kept it together. However, then he was asked by HR to stick around for the next two weeks so he could train the person replacing him!

He literally laughed out loud, as he couldn’t believe their ridiculous request. It’s pretty bold to fire someone on the spot, and then think they will want to do you any favors.

He finally told them that he had no interest in helping them out, before mentioning he would not be returning to the office after that.

“…They started panicking, saying I was being “unprofessional” and should “leave on good terms,” he added.

“Now, my ex-coworkers are texting me, saying I’ve screwed them over because my replacement has no idea what he’s doing, and everything is falling apart. My old manager even emailed me, practically begging me to reconsider.”

Image of happy businessman 30s wearing suit talking on cell phone while working on computer in office
Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Since everyone is melting down over his refusal to train the guy replacing him, he’s left wondering if he was wrong to leave the company to figure things out.

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