He Read His Girlfriend’s Diary And Learned She’s In Love With A Married Man, Cheated On Him, And Would Rather Be Single

Portrait of pensive attractive caucasian brunette in floral dress and with headband sitting on rock on shore next to river and writing diary.
Dusan Petkovic - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Should you go digging through someone’s diary, you have to be prepared to come across thoughts you might not like. But that doesn’t make the honesty you might find hurt any less.

This man’s girlfriend does not own a car, so occasionally, she uses his in order to get to work. A week ago, when he climbed into his car, he spotted his girlfriend’s diary sitting there on the floor.

At first, he thought perhaps it was something she used for work purposes, but then he picked it up, and as he opened it, he realized it was her diary, complete with all of her innermost feelings.

“I told myself that I wasn’t going to read it. That’s both extremely [messed] up and a huge betrayal of trust. But curiosity got the best of me and I decided to crack it open later that day,” he explained.

What he read at first was his girlfriend documenting her battle with body dysmorphia and her struggles with her mental health.

It was an eye-opening, honest look into his girlfriend’s mind, which he can admit was wrong for him to go through, as his girlfriend clearly never intended for him, or anyone else, to read it.

As he kept going, he could see his girlfriend had confessed on multiple occasions she wished she was single instead of in a relationship with him.

He was trying to be sympathetic as he told himself that writing this all out was his girlfriend’s way of expressing herself and dealing with things.

But then he flipped a page and landed on a love poem his girlfriend had written to a married man. She said she was devastated when this man tied the knot with another woman.

Portrait of pensive attractive caucasian brunette in floral dress and with headband sitting on rock on shore next to river and writing diary.
Dusan Petkovic – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“In that same entry, she wrote about how this person was supposed to leave their partner for her, how it should have been her he married and finally “If I get the chance to cheat with him again I will. I have to,” he added.

“My stomach has been in knots ever since seeing that. This is a person who I’m in love with. Who I share a life with. I’ve spent the last months looking at rings and warming up to the idea of finally proposing.”

“Now I see that she’s hopelessly in love with someone else, that she’s cheated, willing to cheat again, and would rather be single. She wrote “I’m in a relationship with someone I like but don’t love” which makes me wonder why..she hasn’t ripped the bandaid off.”

He’s left wondering what he should do. On one hand, he knows it was not right for him to go looking through her diary, but on the other hand, what he learned hurts deeply.

How do you think he can confront his girlfriend after finding all of these terrible things out?

You can read the original post below.

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