He Moved Out Of The House When His Mom Announced Another Pregnancy Since He’s Tired Of Being Forced To Help With His Siblings

natural teen portrait against blurred background
Sascha Burkard - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 17-year-old guy’s parents had him when they were pretty young themselves. His mom was 19, while his dad was 20.

They all lived with his mom’s parents up until he turned six. After that, they moved into a new home, and his parents informed him they were pregnant with another child.

“In the almost 11 years since then my parents had five more kids. My parents don’t know how to be parents and my siblings don’t know how to act because of that,” he explained.

“They spit, mess with people’s food by like slobbering all over it or putting it in their own mouths and spitting it back out, they leave shit out everywhere to rot and they’ll throw food on the floor.”

“Like if my mom gets frozen pizzas for dinner and there’s something my siblings don’t like on it, the topping goes on the floor. They have tantrums in public and break stuff all the time.”

His littlest sibling has been living in his bedroom since she was an infant, and his parents forced him to take care of her in the middle of the night so they could catch a break.

He was responsible for changing his sister’s diapers and doing all of the things his mom and dad should have stepped up to do.

He was extremely stressed out from having to play dad to his sibling, and on top of that, his parents constantly made him be a a babysitter for all of the kids.

“So last week when my mom and dad announced mom’s pregnant again I called my grandparents so fast my head was probably spinning and I begged them to let me come live with them because I couldn’t deal with it anymore,” he said.

natural teen portrait against blurred background
Sascha Burkard – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“They were furious when they heard mom was expecting another kid and said yes straight away. I packed up my essentials (including my passport and other papers) and I left.”

“My parents are pissed because they don’t have help and because I didn’t talk to them about it. My grandparents dealt with my parents and their anger but my parents called the cops on my grandparents twice already and they’re threatening to sue them now.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to move out as soon as he found out there’s another child on the way.

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