A woman named Meg who goes by @megriellamoose on TikTok has a cousin who was asked out on a date, but then the guy tried to recruit her for a cult instead.
This guy was someone her cousin knew from back in high school, and her cousin was single at the time. This guy told her cousin that he recently had gotten into religion and knew she was interested in it too, so he wanted to take her out on a date.
Meg’s cousin drove from Austin, Texas to Waco for the date. She pulled up to a property that looked like a “family compound,” and the guy had said this was his house and that they could head out on the date after meeting up there.
“But no, she got there and they’re like, ‘Oh yeah, we’re going to evaluate you to see if you would be a good wife for him,” Meg explained in her video.
“So my cousin, she’s so bold, stayed, and they were like asking her questions and like interviewing her…Honestly kind of funny, kind of hilarious experience, kind of iconic.”
After Meg’s cousin was done being grilled by the cult members, they left, but a kid was still in the room with her.
Meg’s cousin attempted to speak to the child and was reprimanded since the cult was not into talking to kids.
Meg’s cousin ultimately decided being this guy’s wife and joining the cult was simply not for her. Oh, but the cult did tell her that she would not be the best match for this guy anyway.
In response, Meg’s cousin said “sustainability” seemed to be a problem for their cult, as they had six male members, one female member, and one child.
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“I don’t know of the state of this cult today – this was two years ago and they were very much so a brand new like startup cult so who knows,” Meg continued.
Meg is left wondering if you happen to know if that cult is still out there in Waco.