The Elderly Man She Bought Her House From Is Haunting Her In A Helpful Way

Bay window with row of pink flowers
Spiroview Inc. - - illustrative purposes only

Eight years ago, a woman who goes by @momandgrammy on TikTok purchased her home from an elderly couple named Melvin and Violet.

Back then, Melvin was suffering from some health issues, and then six months after she moved in, she woke up and heard someone at her front door in the middle of the night.

A man called out, wondering if Violet was there, and she responded that Violet no longer lived in the home.

The man admitted he had forgotten that Violet wasn’t a resident before asking her to please take care of the house.

She fell back asleep, and the following morning, her neighbor told her that Melvin had sadly passed away at around 2:30 in the morning. She had shared with her husband about the strange encounter she had in the middle of the night by then.

Now, it’s worth letting you know that Melvin told her that one single thing in her house did not work when she bought it: a lamp post outside.

She and her husband meant to call an electrician to fix it, but it just didn’t end up happening, so it remained broken.

One day, she got it in her head to ask Melvin out loud to light that lamp post up since she had never seen what it looked like all lit up.

“I’m not kidding; I have pictures on my phone of it lit,” she explained in her video. “I texted my husband at work, ‘It lit up, in broad daylight, it lit up.'”

Bay window with row of pink flowers
Spiroview Inc. – – illustrative purposes only

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“And it was lit the whole day, and it’s never lit again. We have not gotten it fixed yet.”

She also has a sprinkler system, and six of her neighbors use it along with her. One of her neighbors changed the sprinklers to go off at 4 a.m.

Not knowing how to change it back, she said she wished that Melvin could just do it for her. Right then and there, she heard the sound of water.

Later on, her husband wanted to know if she had gotten out of bed to turn those sprinklers on, and she took a peek out the window to see that the sprinklers were indeed on.

So, there was Melvin once again, helpfully haunting her house.

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