It’s not outlandish to say that normally, if you get cheated on, you have no sympathy for your partner, nor do you want to understand why it happened in the first place.
Interestingly enough, this 27-year-old woman’s 28-year-old husband cheated on her, and she understands why he did it. Not only that, but she wants to give him another chance, as she feels she’s partially to blame for the infidelity.
They’ve spent the last eight years together, and they have two children – a one-year-old and a four-year-old. She admits that there is no valid excuse for why her husband went running into the arms of another woman, and she didn’t picture having a desire to remain married to a cheater.
“But here I am, wanting to forgive and try to make this work. I know this is not my fault, but I have not been affectionate at all,” she explained.
“There are weeks that go by where we don’t even kiss or hug each other. We definitely have been in roommate mode for a while.”
Her husband is always the one seeking physical affection from her, yet she almost always declines to do anything with him.
It’s not that her attraction to her husband has died, it’s just that after giving birth to her second child, she’s never in the mood.
Also, having to manage two young children while holding down a job leaves her feeling exhausted and like she has nothing left to give.
She no longer invests time into herself or her marriage, as that’s how run down she is. Her routine is always the same, too; go to work, come home from work, care for the kids, hit the hay.
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Her husband works longer hours than she does, and he picks up his share of household chores, so the kids are squarely her responsibility.
“He came crying to me today, confessing he slept with someone two weeks ago,” she added. “Without writing the long story of how it came about, this was a one-night stand situation.”
“He had no prior or past contact with this woman. He is begging to give him a second chance. I really am more upset thinking about losing my family than the act of the cheating itself, which is so crazy to me.”
Looking back, she wishes she was more attentive to her husband. She wishes she showed him more affection or tried harder to put time into their marriage.
She can see that she didn’t do anything to improve her connection with her husband, even though he asked her to.
So that’s why she feels like she played a role here in her husband’s infidelity, and she’s left wondering if it’s worth fixing their marriage and if their relationship can survive following the cheating.
What do you think?
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