She Says Her Tenants Intentionally Flooded Her Rental Property And Damaged Two Homes In The Process

pictured above is Hallie on the left and the flooding to the right
TikTok - @_halliewood - pictured above is Hallie on the left and the flooding to the right

TikTok - @_halliewood - pictured above is Hallie on the left and the flooding to the right

Hallie Morgan, who goes by @_halliewood on TikTok, owns a rental home in North Carolina along with her husband, and she’s sharing the horror story of what she alleges her last tenants did to her.

Hallie and her husband don’t simply consider this space a rental house – it’s a house they used to live in themselves, and it’s where they brought their children home from the hospital after welcoming them into the world.

The couple’s plan is to one day gift this place to one of their kids, but in the meantime, they’ve rented it out. Hallie’s last tenant lived there for two years and whenever there was an issue, Hallie’s husband promptly addressed it.

She stated that Caitlin and Kathleen were the women who were renting the property after that nice tenant moved.

“They moved in on Super Bowl Sunday and were only in the property for a week’s time,” Hallie explained in her video.

“When they moved in, they were informed there were some paint touchups that needed to be completed in the kitchen, just due to the removal of the popcorn ceiling.”

“Ultimately, they were unhappy that this didn’t happen in the expected timeline, but did express how grateful they were for my husband’s overall communication especially because they had apparently had a bad experience with a landlord in the past.”

Looking back, Hallie can see that most likely was a red flag. When Caitlin and Kathleen moved in, Hallie said they provided her with a list of all their demands.

Caitlin and Kathleen then told Hallie if she and her husband wouldn’t be able to check every box on that list, they would move out.

TikTok – @_halliewood – pictured above is Hallie on the left and the flooding to the right

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Hallie found some of the requests strange, such as the one where the women asked Hallie and her husband to unclog the toilet from their “human feces.”

Hallie mentioned to Caitlin and Kathleen that if they chose to move out, she and her husband could break their lease, yet they would not be receiving a return on their rent money for February.

Caitlin and Kathleen responded they had to consult with a lawyer before getting back to Hallie. According to Hallie, the women began using slurs against her husband, so her husband went out one Friday to check on the property, as he had a feeling something was going to be wrong.

Luckily, everything looked good, but the following Monday, one of the neighbors called up Hallie and her husband, stating there was water damage leaking into their home, and it was coming from the rental property.

A couple of minutes later, another neighbor called Hallie and said there was a ton of water spilling out into the street from the rental home.

This neighbor added that Caitlin and Kathleen moved out Saturday morning with a crew of 20 people. Hallie and her husband rush over to the rental house, which is an hour and a half away from where they currently reside.

On the way, the HOA phoned Hallie, admitting there had to have been some kind of foul play. When Hallie and her husband pulled up to their rental house, they could see water surrounding the place.

“We open the door and there is water everywhere. The entire first and second level is completely covered with water,” Hallie added.

“It is seeping through everything. Basically, the ceiling is caving in. So, the fire department had to come and shut the alarm off, and they pointed out where Caitlin and Kathleen unscrewed the toilet and damaged the pipe to where they could tell it was intentionally done.”

“We saw where both the pipes on both toilets were destroyed and the water was turned on so basically it would run and flood the place. So they completely destroyed our home to the point where it is uninhabitable.”

The neighbor’s house has been wrecked as well due to all of the flooding. Hallie and her husband called Caitlin and Kathleen about the damage, and the women told them they were not willing to discuss what happened.

Hallie called the women evil and she’s since filed a police report, contacted their employers, and filed a lawsuit seeking damages.

Hallie’s mom started a GoFundMe for her here.

Do you have a wild tenant story?


Here is the version with the videos and pictures of the damage! IF YOU ARE RENTING YOUR HOME BEWARE!!!? Caitlin Elizabeth Poore Kathleen Avie Kennedy @Atrium Health WF Baptist @DHL @dhlexpress @DHLLOGISTICS BadTenants RenterNightmare VandalismExposed LandlordStruggles TenantDisaster RentalHorrorStory JusticeForLandlords SueThem TenantAccountability EvictionProcess RentalPropertyDamage PropertyRights LandlordRights StoryTime CrazyTenantStory GoingViral ExposeThem ViralNews TikTokMadeMeDoIt GreensboroNews NCRealEstate GreensboroLandlords

? original sound – Hallie Morgan
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