This 34-year-old woman has a 43-year-old sister who says she’s “broke” and, due to that, has no groceries in her home.
Her sister has multiple health problems and cannot work, and her sister’s husband makes a pittance at his job yet earns enough money that he does not qualify for them to receive food stamps.
She hasn’t been over to her sister’s house to see what she does or does not have in her kitchen, but her sister asked if she could have $40 to use on food.
Her sister constantly borrows money from her yet fails to pay her back. Perhaps if she wasn’t in such a tough situation herself right now, she would have said yes to giving her some money.
“I told her I’m really strapped for cash right now myself as I just had to pay rent, bills, and take my dog to the emergency vet, which in itself cost $487,” she explained.
She has to wait another week until she gets her paycheck, so money is really tight on her end. She did offer to go to Dollar Tree and buy groceries there for her sister to tide her over until her husband gets paid again.
That offended her sister so much that she declined. She responded that she sees a woman on TikTok who puts together delicious meals using only products from the Dollar Tree, hoping that would convince her sister.
But no, her sister still said she wasn’t interested, and she went on to insult the groceries at the Dollar Tree. Her sister added that she pretty much eats meatloaf every day, but she can’t afford to purchase ground beef for her sister, as it’s super expensive where they live.
“I told her, well, beggars can’t be choosers. That’s her option: either that or go hungry. She said she’d rather go hungry and hung up on me,” she continued.
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“So, [am I the jerk] for offering to get my sister groceries from the Dollar Tree? I feel like I might be the [jerk] because, yes, I could give her the $40, but then I wouldn’t be 100% certain that would actually go towards groceries (she smokes…), and I’ve learned the hard way to never give her cash.”
“But now I feel like [a jerk] and a bad sister.”
Do you think she should have just given her sister money for groceries?
You can read the original post below.