The Ghost Of Her Boyfriend’s Ex Used To Visit Her

oatawa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

oatawa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman attended a very tiny college, and one girl there sadly took her own life over a holiday break. Everyone who went to that college received an email sharing the upsetting news, and this girl was quite popular on campus.

Two months after that, she started seeing a guy, and then one of their friends shared that his ex was the girl who took her own life.

“At some point, the guy I was seeing breaks down to me. He cries in my arms about it and tells me the full story,” she explained.

This guy had split up with his ex a couple of months before the incident. They still spent time together as friends, and he was worried as she was depressed. He was there with her one hour before she ended things.

He sobbed that whole evening, and they were up until 6 a.m. as she just held him. After that conversation, she went back to her house and cried, too. She felt so sad and angry at this girl for what she did.

“I felt like she missed out, and I felt guilty because I was with him. And I felt even guiltier for crying about it because who was I to feel this way?” she wondered.

“I felt frustrated because I couldn’t give him more, so I talked out loud in a way to talk to her. I sat on my balcony and asked if I could pursue things with him. Told her I respected her and I would look after him.”

“And that I was sorry, and I was sorry that I hadn’t gotten to meet her. I told her that I would never try to overstep what she meant and that she was always with him.”

Then, things got weird for her. It was like someone, or something, was following her around, and it intensified when she slept over her boyfriend’s house.

oatawa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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She tried to ignore it, and that’s when the dreams kicked in. She started dreaming about sunflowers (her boyfriend’s ex’s favorite flower).

She dreamt about a home she knew this girl lived in. She dreamt of this girl, and she could vividly see her.

“I thought I was crazy and that I was being haunted by my own guilt. I felt like I was going nuts…,” she added.

One day, her friend was talking about a personal paranormal experience while they were out at a bar together with some other people, so she shared her story.

She confided in her friends that she felt like her boyfriend’s ex was haunting her. Her friends believed her, but they all were thoroughly creeped out when she was done filling them in.

That feeling persisted, and later that evening, she was sitting on her balcony when she thought that perhaps she should say goodbye to the girl.

“So I say goodbye, I tell her thank you, but that both of us need to move on. That I appreciate who she is, and that will never be lost on me,” she continued.

“I went to sleep, and the next morning, I go back out to my balcony (it was my safe spot), and my balcony is on [the] ground floor in front of a little grass field. And directly in front of my balcony on the grass is a dead female cardinal.”

“I begin to freak out, thinking maybe it’s a bad omen. I call my friends, and they freak out too, but then we do some research [and] seeing cardinals typically represent a dead relative visiting you. But specifically seeing dead female cardinal means that the loved one that was visiting you has passed onto the next life.”

It’s been years since her boyfriend’s ex visited her, and this girl is still on her mind. That experience impacted her life.

She never did understand why this girl came to her instead of visiting her boyfriend at the time. She was happy that she did, though.

She wasn’t one to buy into ghosts prior to her encounter, and it’s left her hopeful that when her loved ones pass on, they can find a way to reach out from beyond.

“I still have not shared this story outside of my very close friends, and I don’t see this guy anymore,” she concluded.

“I never told him since that sounds crazy: “Hey, you know your ex-girlfriend that you’re devastated about? Well, I think I’m being haunted by her”…yeah that doesn’t go over well.”

She still feels guilt to this day about the haunting encounter. What do you think?

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