His Ex Feels Humiliated That He Called Out Her Lies In Court When She Tried To Get Full Custody Of Their Dog

Pug sitting on green grass
olenalyzun - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

A year ago, this 29-year-old man and his 28-year-old ex, Sarah, broke up. Their split was not pretty, and everything took a turn for the worse when Sarah filed to gain full custody of their pug, Milo.

He and Sarah technically got Milo together, but he was the sole person who invested in Milo’s care. Not only did he train Milo alone, he paid for all of his vet bills, his adoption fees, and his food by himself.

Sarah never pitched in once. Now, Sarah is aware that Milo has come to be his best friend in the entire world. He thinks this is why Sarah went for full custody – simply to anger him.

“Sarah’s argument in court was that she was Milo’s primary caregiver and that I was too busy with work to properly care for him,” he explained.

“She painted this sob story about how I used to beat both Milo and Sarah, and [it] was completely false. She even brought fake photos of her scars and her playing with Milo, which were obviously staged after we broke up.”

Milo is an interesting little guy. He has a strong dislike for peanut butter, unlike most pups, and he listens only to specific commands, which he taught him in French, not English.

Sarah cannot speak French, and she was not aware of all the commands he taught Milo, as Sarah didn’t assist in training the dog.

While in court with Sarah, he very patiently requested the opportunity to show everyone how he had trained Milo to prove Sarah’s lies.

The judge was open to this unique appeal, so Milo showed up to court one day along with him. He gave Milo his commands in French, and he listened perfectly. He then asked Sarah to demonstrate how she had trained Milo.

Pug sitting on green grass
olenalyzun – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual dog

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“She tried saying something like, ‘Uh… Sit? Roll over?’ Milo just stared at her like she was speaking gibberish,” he continued.

“After that, the judge asked Milo to make the decision. And without surprise, he ran towards me instead of Sarah. The judge ruled in my favor, but Sarah was furious.”

“She accused me of humiliating her on purpose and ‘drugging’ Milo. Her family and friends are now calling me a petty jerk who just wanted to win rather than find a compromise. Some of my own friends say I could’ve handled it more diplomatically instead of ‘showing her up’ in court.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to make it clear that Sarah was lying to gain full custody of Milo since his best friend was at stake.

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