His Dad’s Being Forced To Repay His Mom Child Support Since He Spent The Cash On His Stepkids

American cash dollars close up. A large amount of cash American dollars in cash paper bills. Finance concept
Vladislav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Vladislav - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

Three years ago, this 17-year-old guy suffered from an accident that caused him to become disabled. His mom was struggling with her own recovery back then and required a lot of help, so he went to live with his dad (his parents are split up).

So, his mom agreed to pay his dad child support since his dad was his primary caregiver. The problem is that his dad took the cash and spent it on his stepkids, and didn’t care if he needed anything. He didn’t see a penny of his mom’s money that was intended for him.

“He had me overdraw on my school lunch account and then wouldn’t pay the balance, I had to do it with money from my grandparents, even though he was the one who, last minute, said we had nothing for me to take a lunch from home because his stepkids were getting more for theirs because it wasn’t enough,” he explained.

“When I needed supplies for a school project, he refused to pay for them. I wasn’t allowed to get a haircut even though the stepkids, my dad, and his wife all got them whenever.”

“His wife was getting her hair dyed every other month, and his stepdaughter got highlights for her birthdays. I got way less than the stepkids for food, too. Lots of stuff like that was going on while I was there.”

Far more than that went on under his dad’s roof, but since his mom was mid-recovery, he was hesitant to bother her as he didn’t want to be a burden.

He finally did tell her, since the money coming out of her pocket was going to kids who have no relation to her instead of him.

When he did fill his mom in, she was furious, and his grandparents were as well. He then moved back in with his mom, and his grandparents moved in, too, so his dad couldn’t fight back against them.

His mom involved the courts with what his dad did, and it was frowned upon. He had a lot of evidence that he handed over to his mom, and she brought that to the courts.

Vladislav – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only

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The courts determined that his dad has to pay all that money back to his mom since it was not going to his care at all.

“He only got away with it because Mom didn’t see me as much as she otherwise would have. My dad and his wife are [mad] at me for doing it when one of the stepkids has a long-term medical issue,” he continued.

“They said I could have been understanding, and I was old enough at 16, when I told my mom and moved back in with her, to know medical issues take priority.”

“They said it benefitted my family, and I might not have [had] a comfortable time there, but I got enough. My mom said the stepkids got enough, though, and that’s why I wasn’t wrong. But my dad and his wife accused me of acting out of spite.”

He’s left wondering if it was wrong of him to tell his mom what his dad was using her money for. What do you think?

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