Her Husband Unexpectedly Left Her And Said He’s Lost Romantic Feelings For Her, But She Doesn’t Want Their Marriage To Be Over
Five years ago, this 40-year-old woman started dating her 36-year-old husband, and she says their relationship has truly been incredible.
Yes, they have had times where they disagreed on topics, but they didn’t argue in an abnormal way at all. They also have encountered their own set of challenges but always came out stronger on the other side.
She thought their marriage was unshakable, and she was extremely happy to be married to her husband. So imagine her surprise on December 23rd when her husband said out of the blue that he would like to move out of their home.
She was shocked, as they had just been cuddling in bed and having a nice time, so hearing these words broke her.
She actually melted down as this was so unexpected of him. She hardly survived the holidays after her husband expressed wanting to leave her.
She did her best to put on a smile and not let anyone know the truth, but she landed in the hospital several times due to heart problems and panic attacks.
She could not sleep, she could not eat, and she could not drink. She was just devastated, and she’s never been one to suffer from a panic attack in her life.
When December 27th rolled around, her husband moved out of their house as he wanted. He’s currently renting a room somewhere.
“I did all I could to treat him with grace and love as I really didn’t want him to go but decided if he left with me in anger, it would be harder for him to feel like he could come back if he wanted to,” she explained.
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She actually assisted her husband in packing up all of his belongings, and she washed the new bedding he got since she does still love him with all of her heart.
Her husband admitted how she acted only caused him to feel awful. She wasn’t trying to do that; she just hated to see him walk out the door.
It did occur to her that perhaps he did have some kind of affair while he was over in England to attend a funeral, but it turns out that’s not behind her husband’s decision to leave.
“We’ve spoken via text and on the phone, and he’s indicated to me that it has nothing to do with me and that he loves me but that due to life stress, he’s lost the romantic love for me,” she added.
“He said he’d like to try and date me to see if we can rekindle, but then the next day, he sounds less interested. So he’s back and forth all over the place, which makes it even more torturous for me.”
Adding to her husband’s stress is her teen son and his career, so she does get why he hasn’t been having the easiest time, even if it has nothing to do with her.
She can’t help but feel like she doesn’t know the man she’s been married to. Her husband has always proved to be generous and wonderful, but his leaving out of the blue like this is so mean and cold.
He’s acting like a completely different person, and she has realized that he could have been pretending all along to be someone else.
“I am completely devastated and left with no closure or any idea of what is going to happen. He didn’t want to separate yet as he’s deciding if he wants me, I guess?” she wondered.
“He doesn’t want to talk for a month so he can sort his thoughts, and that’s more torture because, again, I have no answers and no control of the situation; I feel like I’m waiting to be executed, but I don’t know when.”
“I’d love some advice; I’ve managed to give him all of the power as I was so heartbroken I was doing all I could to try to bring him home, like writing “open me when” letters because I was worried about him his own because clearly, something is up with him. But that probably didn’t help and made me look desperate.”
She just hoped that writing him these letters would prove she’s willing to do anything it takes to stay married to him.
Her husband has since revealed to her that he has felt like their romantic spark has been gone for months on end, but hesitated to tell her about it.
She feels like that was not fair, as if he said something sooner, they could have worked to correct this. She asked him to see a therapist with her, but he refused to do so.
“I’ve shifted from deep grief to a hint of anger now, and I’m feeling frustrated because I don’t deserve any of this at all; he could have handled things in a much more compassionate and kind way. Still I want him back, I meant my wedding vows when I said them,” she concluded.
You can read the original post below.
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