Her Dad Texted Her And Her Brother To Say He’s Leaving Their Mom, And Then He Stole Money From Them To Pay For Hotel Rooms With His Affair Partner

annanahabed - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Some things are better left to be discussed face-to-face, as opposed to being announced over a text message. This 22-year-old girl’s 54-year-old dad recently texted her and her 19-year-old brother to let them know he’s leaving their mom, as he found another woman who brings him more joy than his wife.

Now, her parents have been married for thirty-one long years. None of them knew that their dad had met a new woman named Sandy on Twitter.

Sandy lives on the other side of the country, and back in November, she flew to their area to spend a week with her dad.

But one day after her dad sent that text to her and her brother, he went back on what he had just said to them and changed his mind.

“The next morning, my dad texted us again, saying that he had felt guilty about everything and knew he wanted to work on our family,” she added.

“He came home, my mom agreed to work on their marriage, and we tried to fix things. [The] first week of December, I found out my dad had been talking to Sandy again. My mom was in denial and said she didn’t believe it. We still worked on our family despite this.”

“On December 23, my dad called me saying that he was leaving us for Sandy, and for good this time. She made him happy, and he wanted to be with her. I spent Christmas Eve with my mom and brother. I’ve never seen my mom so sad before. It was difficult to see.”

When Christmas morning arrived, her dad updated her via text that Sandy had kicked him out of her house after it dawned on her that he had no morals.

Apparently, Sandy was the last to find out that their dad was married, and Sandy made him leave so he could go back home and repair the damage he had done.

annanahabed – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Well, her mom had no problem taking her dad back, but she feels like their life is still upended, even though her parents are trying to play happy family.

Her dad is back in their house, acting like he didn’t leave them multiple times for some stranger he met online.

“I also learned that my dad had taken all of my savings account and my brother’s account to pay for bills (and a hotel room with Sandy),” she continued.

“We never had access to the accounts. We opened them when we were younger than 15, and my dad co-signed on to both because he’s my dad, so I trusted him.”

“Every single thing my dad says, I read into it. I don’t trust him and the entire dynamic of the family is thrown off. I’m not sure what to do. Plus, I’m really financially struggling. Emotionally and financially, I feel like I’m lost, and I would love guidance on what I can [do] at all.”

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