He Confronted A Dad For Flipping Out On His Crying Son In A Store
Sometimes, people behave so deplorably in public that it’s impossible to silently stand by and witness their behavior.
This 27-year-old man was shopping for groceries at approximately 9:30 p.m. one evening, and there weren’t that many people in the store along with him.
He made his way over to the aisle full of cereal when he heard a man who was probably in his 40s flipping out on his son.
The boy looked to be around seven or eight at best, and the dad was screaming at him so harshly that he could hear every single thing he was saying from the opposite end of the cereal aisle.
The dad was yelling things to his son like, “You’re so useless! Why do you always make everything harder for me?” along with, “If you don’t shut up, I’m leaving you here!”
He was having a difficult time watching this unfold, as the boy was absolutely scared of his dad and crying as well.
He hesitated before finally deciding he should speak up and try to get the dad’s tirade to stop. He approached the dad and said he really should calm down and stop treating his kid like that.
“He turned around and started yelling at me, saying it wasn’t any of my business and that I was “ruining” his day,” he explained.
“He told me to mind my own damn business and that I had no idea what kind of day he had. At this point, I’m standing there thinking, “I’m not letting this slide.” I told him, “Well, maybe you should try talking to your kid like a human, not a piece of trash.”
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“He was still yelling at me when an employee came over and asked if everything was okay. The guy just walked off in a huff, and the employee thanked me for speaking up. I was really shaken by the whole thing.”
He did feel strange to stand up to a man he didn’t know with his own kid standing right there to witness the confrontation, but he was so upset over how this dad was treating his son.
He was shocked that this dad didn’t even care that he was berating his child in public. He filled his girlfriend in on what happened, and she insisted that jumping in was the right decision, but he’s not so convinced.
He’s curious if it was inappropriate of him to stand in the way of that dad’s freak out, and he’s doubting that inserting himself into the situation was a good choice.
“It’s not like I was in a position to parent the guy, but I felt like someone needed to say something,” he continued.
Do you think he was wrong to say something to this dad about how he was treating his kid, or did he do the right thing?
You can read the original post below.
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