This 24-year-old girl doesn’t like dogs, and she knows that puts her in a small segment of the population. She says she just “never understood the hype” associated with man’s (and woman’s) best friend.
Her boyfriend, who is the same age as her, adores dogs, and he had dogs as pets in his family when he was younger. He especially has a soft spot for pugs.
Back in May, she and her boyfriend moved in with one another. Then, last month, he addressed wanting to get a dog.
This was hardly a surprise given how much of a dog lover he is, and she knew they would have to discuss the pet topic at some point.
They’ve been dating for nearly four and a half years, and she figured her boyfriend would wait a bit longer to ask about a dog.
“I told him I wasn’t ready yet, and I also told him that I do not think pugs are cute and I’d rather we get a different dog,” she explained.
“This is a HUGE compromise for me – simply implying I would get a dog in the future. The next few days to a few weeks, he keeps showing me photos of pugs for sale. I keep not reacting to the photos because they are not cute to me.”
“Then, last Monday, he tells me he set up a visit with a breeder to look at pugs on Friday. I start bawling my eyes out because I do not want a dog right now.”
They didn’t spend Thanksgiving together- they spent it apart with their respective families. But before they left to head home, she did call her boyfriend out with his whole family present.
She said in front of all of them that she does not want a dog in her life. Since her boyfriend already booked an appointment with a breeder, she anticipated that he would just window shop.
She made it clear to him that she wasn’t down for him to come home with a puppy, and she looked him right in his eyes and stated she did not want him doing this. Her boyfriend is not impulsive in the least, so she thought she would be safe.
Last Friday, her boyfriend texted her videos and photos of several pugs, and she ignored him. He didn’t follow up after that, so she thought he had just had a nice time looking but not buying.
When Saturday rolled around, he stated that he had to make some more money since he purchased a playpen.
She questioned her boyfriend about why he would make a purchase like that, and he responded that it was for his dog.
Thinking he was pranking her, she continued to ask him questions until the truth came out: her boyfriend bought a dog despite her pleading with him not to do this.
She wasn’t able to hold her emotions in, and she began to get extremely upset that he was inconsiderate of her wishes.
“I broke down in tears in front of my entire family. At this point, I’m also upset about the fact that he didn’t tell me for an entire day, didn’t respect me saying I wasn’t ready, etc.,” she added.
“I get told I’m being irrational, not giving it a chance, would never get one, and so on. He can’t seem to understand that what he did was wrong, and it’s making me question whether I want to be with him or not.”
“Better yet, his entire family thinks I’m being stubborn and crazy. What is the appropriate response to [this] situation? Is this worth breaking up for?”
You can read the original post below.