His Wife’s Been Using Her Free Time Away From Their Baby To Cheat On Him

vladteodor - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

vladteodor - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man feels as if he’s living a stranger’s life instead of his own in light of what he just found out his wife has been doing with her free time.

He and his wife have a 10-month-old baby, and over the last couple of months, they have been dealing with the mayhem that comes along with stepping into the role of mom and dad for the very first time.

He does have a full-time career, while his wife is a stay-at-home mom, and he’s been doing everything possible to be supportive of his wife.

“She’s been complaining a lot about not getting time to herself since the baby came, which I get being a stay-at-home mom is exhausting,” he explained.

“To help her out, I started hiring a babysitter a few days a week so she could have some time to relax, run errands, or do whatever she needed to recharge.”

“I thought I was doing something good for her. Turns out, I was unintentionally helping her sneak around with her affair partner.”

It was just this week that he learned about what his wife has been doing with her free time away from their baby.

His wife’s been cheating on him for three months, and initially, she tried to minimize the damage and claimed she only met up with her affair partner to chit-chat with him.

She also lied and said she met this guy one time. Every day after he found out about the affair, he found out more and more about it.

vladteodor – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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This morning, his wife finally confessed to sleeping with her affair partner every time that she ended up meeting with him. So much for it, but it was just some chitchat.

“It feels like I’ve been hit by a truck. Every time I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of it, she admits to something else. I don’t even know if I’ll ever get the full truth at this point,” he said.

“She’s no longer in contact with him, but it doesn’t erase what she did. I can’t stop thinking about the fact that while I was trying to make things easier for her as a mom, she was using that time to be with someone else. I can’t believe she chose being out there with him over staying home with me and our son.”

He’s not quite sure what he should do. While there is a piece of him that wants to make it work for their son, another piece of him knows that the trust he had for his wife is gone and won’t come back.

The wonderful life he thought they were living crashed and burned around him, and when he looks at his wife, she’s like a stranger to him.

His wife does appear to feel guilty for cheating, and she sobs and says she regrets it. He’s not convinced she is truly sorry, as he suspects she could be turning on the waterworks to manipulate him.

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