His Family Calls Him Selfish, But He’s Been Anonymously Funding His Sister’s Dreams Of Stardom For Years

Vulp - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s no secret that this 29-year-old man’s 24-year-old sister is the favorite in their family. When they were little, his mom and dad clearly showed that his sister was the golden one, and he was not.

His parents bent over backward to give his sister the world, while he got nothing in comparison. He adores his sister, but it’s always caused him pain to realize that he was not on the list of priorities for his parents.

Now that he’s an adult, he’s decently successful. He’s got a great job, lives in a humble way, and flies solo for the most part.

“My sister, on the other hand, has always been a dreamer—a writer, an artist, a filmmaker—you name it. She’s insanely talented, but she’s never had the financial stability to pursue anything fully,” he explained.

“Here’s the thing: for the past three years, I’ve been secretly helping her fund her dreams. I’ve paid for her film equipment, helped her publish her book, and even covered her rent during tough months.”

“I’ve funneled tens of thousands of dollars into her projects, but I’ve never told her—or anyone else in the family. She thinks she got a grant or some anonymous donor saw her potential.”

While he’s been doing this, his parents have complained to him that he does not help out enough or attend family gatherings.

They have actually called him self-centered for failing to pitch in more. When his parents drag this up, he doesn’t say anything.

He is aware that his mom and dad will never see the full extent of how supportive he has been. He’s not trying to be a hero – he does not want recognition. He simply wants his sister to be a success one day and to achieve her dream of stardom.

Vulp – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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A week ago, a film his sister made got into a well-known festival, and his parents were fawning all over her and saying she’s the real “star” among them.

“They didn’t even invite me to the celebration dinner because “you don’t seem to care about what the family’s doing.” It hurt, but I didn’t say anything,” he added.

“Part of me wants to spill the truth—show them that I’ve been quietly supporting her all along—but another part of me doesn’t want to ruin the illusion for her. I don’t want her to feel like she owes me or that her success isn’t entirely her own.”

“Am I stupid for staying silent? Should I tell her? Or should I just let them keep thinking I’m the selfish black sheep while my sister shines?”

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