Her Husband Landed Them In $24,000 Of Debt Due To Gambling Apps

ARAMYAN - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman’s 34-year-old husband has taken an interest in gambling apps, thinking it would be a fast way to make some cash.

His habit started at the beginning of the year, and when he took his first big loss of $1,000, he promised he would quit.

That month, she had to come up with the money to pay for their mortgage, as his bank account was in the negative from his loss.

Her husband felt guilty and swore that he had learned a hard lesson, so she believed that he would walk away from gambling.

Over the summer, he was back at it, and this time, he said he made $20,000. He was $9,000 in credit card debt back then, so she said he should pay that all off and then take the rest and place it in a savings account.

Well, he didn’t listen to her. He said it would be better for him to put the money in the bank and gradually pay down his debt through his paycheck. He argued the money in the bank was accruing interest, so it should remain there.

“All his banks were then blocked [from being used] on any gambling apps (even the national lottery was blocked),” she explained.

She did see him playing a different game that he said was free, but she’s not positive he was being honest about that.

Earlier today, he finally fessed up: he’s gotten them into $23,000 of debt. Add that to his previous $1,000 loss, and it’s a total of $24,000. They share all their accounts, so this is now her burden to share.

ARAMYAN – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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“We have 2 kids under 5 and a 200k mortgage. He owns a second-hand car, and I own a second-hand car,” she said.

“He earns double than me but I work half the hours he does because of the kids. My question is, how do we move forward from this?”

She’s worried her husband will never quit gambling, but she does not want to file for divorce. Her husband is a wonderful dad, and she would hate to be a single mom.

What advice do you have for her?

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