Her Disabled Husband Can’t Have Kids, And She Knows She’ll Break His Heart If She Leaves Him To Pursue Her Dream Of Being A Mom

Vulp - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Two years ago, this 29-year-old woman’s 29-year-old husband was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, along with a myriad of additional health problems.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a severe illness that causes you to be so fatigued that it’s impossible to accomplish daily tasks in your life, and there is no known cure.

As for her husband, his illness is so bad that he’s confined to his bed, and she’s turned into his only caregiver. Some days are better than others, and her husband can manage to get up and shower; other days are so tough that he cannot have the lights on in their home.

It won’t be possible for her husband to bounce back to how life was before his diagnosis, and it’s come down to managing his stress and potential for other infections.

If she can prevent her husband from getting sick or being stressed out, that’s how he has the best chance of having a better quality of life.

“I spend my waking life outside of work caring, sorting appointments, cooking, or attending to a need of his in some way,” she explained.

“Due to his new disability and the fact it was brought on and is repeatedly made worse by a virus, my husband and I decided over the summer that children weren’t in our future.”

They wanted nothing more than to be parents, and her husband was more interested in beginning their family sooner rather than later, while she preferred to hold off until she hit her 30s.

Having children is too much of a risk for them, and she is sympathetic to that. Children do tend to get sick from school or their playmates, which poses too much of a threat to her husband’s health.

Vulp – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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Additionally, her husband will not be able to help out parenting a child since he cannot care for himself, and he is doubtful of what things will look like for him down the line and how much she will be burdened by the care he will require in the future.

“The biggest one is the effect something like that would have on a child; it’s not fair to them,” she added.

“However, the more I realize it’s not happening, the more I want them. I literally yearn for it. I watch videos of cute kids and babies, and I have to go and take myself away and have a cry when my peers talk about children, or I’m around children.”

“I literally fantasize about what it would be like to meet someone and have a child and go through pregnancy and birth and all the major developmental milestones. It’s starting to really depress me.”

She wants nothing more than to be a mom, and if she leaves her husband to pursue this, she knows she will break his heart and her own, too.

She and her husband have been dating since they were only 15-years-old, and if she leaves him, it will ruin his life.

She does not want to “give up” on her husband, as she took her vows seriously when she married him, and she does love him very much.

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