Her Husband Had His NFL Season Tickets Taken Away After He Said He Wanted To Sleep With His Friend’s Wife

JJphoto - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

A year ago (and prior to her pregnancy), this woman gave her husband permission to purchase NFL season tickets from his coworker and friend for the upcoming season.

She can admit it’s been tough for her to have her husband away at football games basically every single weekend, and he also works on Saturdays, so she barely sees him.

She has a full-time job working from home, and she does everything for their baby, so she doesn’t get to spend time with her husband on her one day off, which has been a sacrifice for her. But since her husband never does anything for himself, she figured it was worth it for him to be happy.

One Sunday ago, her husband requested that she give him a ride home from the football game he was at, and he claimed to have had far too much to drink that day.

He had been tailgating since 7 a.m. and mentioned to her that he passed out in his seat, then woke himself up vomiting.

She was concerned about her husband since he hardly touches alcohol and doesn’t have a history of drinking this much. Her husband stated he couldn’t remember the first quarter of the football game.

Well, yesterday, her husband’s friend who sold him the tickets texted him, all upset. Her husband’s friend said he was taking back the season tickets and giving her husband a refund. He also kicked him out of future tailgates.

It turns out that her husband said he wanted to sleep with one of his friend’s wives, to this woman’s face! Her husband was not happy having his season tickets snatched away from him and tried to say sorry to his friend.

“My husband went on to tell me that he didn’t remember crossing any lines, that maybe he was a little too friendly, and that he recalled trying to be nice to her when she was saying that she was self-conscious about what she was wearing by saying that she was very attractive and that she shouldn’t be self-conscious,” she explained.

JJphoto – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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“He did admit that he remembered very little from the first quarter and didn’t remember passing out at all, so it’s possible that he said something stupid.”

“He didn’t drink before we met, and in some of his first experiences drinking, he did hit on my best friend pretty blatantly and persistently. He’s a huge golden retriever type and an affectionate drunk, so I don’t exactly have a hard time believing that he crossed the line.”

Her husband tried to sweep the fiasco under the rug, stating that he’s happy to have his $400 returned to him so he can spend that money on Christmas while complaining he didn’t like attending the football games anyway and his team won’t really win.

She tried to hold her husband more accountable by pointing out that he should essentially be ashamed for hitting on a married woman, considering he’s also married with a child.

She proceeded to question her husband about whether or not she should be worried about their relationship, but her husband still refused to take responsibility for his actions and blamed it on being drunk.

“I reminded him that I feel a whole lot worse for this other woman and how she must have felt than I do for him, feeling bad for getting his consequences here,” she added.

“…I feel bad for his friend/coworker [who] had to field the complaint and confront my husband and will now have to go back to work and continue working on the same team as him because it’s clear that things will be very awkward between them going forward.”

“I’m not even sure why I’m posting this. I guess it’s just still weighing on my mind, and I needed to put it out there somewhere while I’m upset about it because if I turn to my friends, I worry that they’ll judge him or something.”

Do you think she should be concerned about her husband telling a married woman he wants to sleep with her despite alcohol being involved?

You can read the original post below.

Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read
Pictured above is a second screenshot of the original post for you to read

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