Two years ago, this 27-year-old woman loaned her 25-year-old brother $5,000. Back then, he lost his job and began to struggle with money.
He told her he would use the cash to afford his rent and a few additional expenses. She jumped in to help him, as she adores her little brother. She also was doing great financially at the time, so it didn’t hurt her to assist him.
They didn’t draw up an official contract for the loan, but her brother gave her his word that he would return the money to her in one year.
Well, it’s now been two, and she hasn’t been paid a dime. Initially, she didn’t press the issue, as she felt it would make things weird between them.
When the year was up, she questioned her brother about when he could repay her, and he would give her various, hazy excuses.
“But here’s what’s really bothering me: he’s clearly not struggling anymore,” she explained. “In fact, he’s living way better than I am!”
“Over the last year, his Instagram has been nothing but pictures of vacations, fancy dinners, designer clothes, and nights out at expensive clubs.”
“He even bought himself a brand-new watch that I know costs thousands. Meanwhile, I’ve been waiting for any sign he’s going to pay me back.”
A week ago, her brother invited her to his upcoming birthday bash. His party’s being held at this luxury rooftop city venue.
AS Photo Family – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Bottle service and all these lavish add-ons are included, and her jaw hit the floor when she got the invite.
She’s not sure how he can afford such an over-the-top celebration when he has yet to pay her back that $5,000.
“So, I texted him and said I wasn’t comfortable coming to his party unless he started paying me back, even just in small amounts, to show he’s serious,” she added.
“He got really defensive and told me I was “ruining his birthday” and making it all about money. He also accused me of being petty and said, “You’re doing fine financially, so why does it even matter?”
“Now my mom and a couple of relatives are involved, and they’re all saying I should just let it go. They’re telling me that “family is more important than money” and that I’m being selfish for holding this over his head, especially on his birthday.”
The money is no longer the problem for her; it’s the lack of respect. She rushed to help her brother in his time of need, and here he is, spending thousands living his luxurious life while failing to pay her back as promised.
She feels like her brother took advantage of her and has no appreciation for her kindness.
What advice do you have for her?
You can read the original post below.
Pictured above is a screenshot of the original post for you to read
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