
Fairies, Elves, And Sirens Were Just Some Of The Supernatural Creatures In Medieval Stories, And The Belief In These Phenomena Shaped Life During The Middle Ages

Two tenants of Burton Abbey instigated a violent quarrel between the abbot and Count Roger the Poitevin.

The troublemakers died suddenly and were buried right away. But at sunset, they reappeared, carrying their own coffins. Then, they transformed into frightening animals.

The corpses reportedly brought death to the village. Only three people were left alive. Their graves were dug up so the bodies could be dismembered and their hearts burned. The ritual got rid of the evil spirit and led to the recovery of the surviving villagers.

The creatures associated with natural marvels included dragons, unicorns, and basilisks. Basilisks were said to be extremely poisonous. Their scent, breath, and gaze were enough to kill anyone on the spot.

They were mentioned in the book written by the Roman philosopher Pliny. Basilisks were found in the province of Cyrene, which is now Libya.

Medieval people believed in a diverse range of supernatural beings. Today, they are considered the stuff of fiction, but they have remained popular in modern society.

HPK-Images – – illustrative purposes only – pictured above is a fairy house
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