
There Actually Is A Right Way To Serve Champagne, And Here’s How It’s Done

New Africa
New Africa - - illustrative purposes only

It’s probably safe to say that most of us reserve champagne for special occasions. After all, bubbly is the go-to choice when celebrating anything from work promotions and engagements to birthdays and anniversaries.

So, you don’t want to let an improper serving or pouring technique potentially ruin your milestone (or that costly bottle of bubbly).

There actually is a right way to dole out this drink, and learning how may make you fall in love with the taste of champagne even more.

Glasses Matter

While tall and narrow flutes may be traditional, white wine glasses might be better. More restaurants are opting to serve champagne in wider glassware for two main reasons.

First of all, a bigger bowl will help more air come into contact with the champagne, which increases the aromatics when you inhale the beverage’s scent. Plus, sipping from a wider glass allows the taste to hit your entire palate, not just the center of your tongue.

Pay Attention To Temperature

It’s best to chill your champagne for at least three hours prior to pouring, and your bubbly should reach an ideal temperature of about 45° Fahrenheit.

If you’d like to use an ice bucket, that’s totally fine, too. Just remember the bottle should be completely submerged (yes, including the neck). You can also create a mixture of half water and half ice. This concoction will ensure the entire bottle is in contact and chilling simultaneously.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only

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