
The Popular Jock Who Bullied Her Wants A Chance To Make Amends Because He Likes Her, But He’s The Reason She’s In Therapy

“To be honest, the hurt is so deep. I feel embarrassed knowing his and his friend’s actions have caused me to have PTSD and put me in therapy, whilst he’s been merrily carrying on through life totally unaffected by everything.”

“There are a lot of conflicting emotions. I guess I never felt safe enough [until] now to express how much he’d hurt me. And a part of me wants him to hurt too; I want to reject him hard, but at the same time I feel the angel on my shoulder telling me to forgive and maybe hear him out. I’m thinking, what about all the times he was nice after? What about the times he tried to make you laugh? What if he has truly changed?”

She doesn’t buy that he has changed significantly. She also isn’t sure she could ever picture him in a romantic sense, given their history.

While he is quite charming and handsome, she’ll give him that; she feels like she’s stabbing her younger self in the back by giving him a chance.

Curiosity is leading her to say yes to a coffee date, though she suspects perhaps she’s just suffering from something akin to Stockholm syndrome.

She’s so puzzled over what to do, and her therapist is gone for the next three weeks, so she can’t go to her for help.

Her sister and parents hate her bully, and she knows they would tell her that this guy does not deserve another chance, let alone her forgiveness.

Do you think she should entertain a coffee date with her bully?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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