Categories: Romance

The Popular Jock Who Bullied Her Wants A Chance To Make Amends Because He Likes Her, But He’s The Reason She’s In Therapy

Bre Avery Zacharski

“I guess because the initial shock had worn off, and I’d been giving myself mental pep talks for like 4 hours at this point,” she said.

“But then, he shocked me entirely at the bar. He came with me to order a drink and paid for mine. There at the bar, he admitted that he’d like to see me again and that he’d thought about me a lot since we graduated.”

Since she had a bit of liquid courage, she called him out for treating her so poorly in college. He offered up an apology while looking crestfallen.

He stated he thought that was in the past and that they had moved forward before admitting there was no excuse for how he treated her.

She came close to crying with anger after he said sorry, and she asked him why he didn’t apologize sooner.

Remember, he had never said sorry; he just moved on. She walked away from him and went to sit down with their other college companions.

While she didn’t completely ignore him after that, she stayed away from him, and he respected her desire for distance.

Yesterday, she was surprised to get a lengthy text from her bully, who apologized again and said he really thought they moved on.

He also revealed that he started bullying her in the first place after she rejected one of his friends, and that friend got all of his friends to treat her poorly, which she never knew about.

Her bully outlined that he knew that was a bad excuse, but he has grown up now and would like another chance, along with her forgiveness.

“He said that “truthfully” he’s liked me for a long time and that he’d like to go for coffee this weekend to talk this all out,” she continued.

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Published by
Bre Avery Zacharski

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