
The Guy She’s Dating Upgraded Himself To First Class But Left Her In Economy, Then Lied About It

Dmitro - - illustrative purposes only

Several months ago, this 25-year-old woman met a 33-year-old guy in Nevada, and they were both attending an event.

They hit it off, and there was definitely a spark. He actually lives in New York while she’s from Hawaii.

He works as a software engineer, and she’s currently in grad school, and she doesn’t have a ton of money to spend on visiting him.

However, they both really like one another and are invested in figuring out if they can do a long-distance relationship.

After the event in Nevada, they made plans for her to fly to New York to visit him, and then from there, they’re flying to Wisconsin for his friend’s wedding.

She paid for her flight to New York, he paid for her flight from New York to Wisconsin, and she put down the money to fly home to Hawaii from Wisconsin.

They are on the exact same flight to Wisconsin, and they’re leaving in the morning tomorrow. Earlier today, he went out to pick up some bagels for them to have for breakfast.

“While he was out, he texted me to remind me to check in for our flight, and then he casually drops that he upgraded to first class,” she explained.

“He claimed he wanted to upgrade me too, but—surprise!—there was only one seat left in first class. Now, let me be clear: I’m not upset about flying economy. It’s a short flight, and I’ve never really cared about sitting in first class.”

Dmitro – – illustrative purposes only

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