
She’s Not Putting Her Boyfriend’s Name On Her Mortgage And Claimed He Could Either Pay Her Rent Or Find His Own Place

Anastasiia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you save up to buy something major, like a home, you shouldn’t let anyone or their financial troubles get in your way.

This woman doesn’t want to put her boyfriend’s name on her new mortgage because of his money issues, and now he’s livid with her.

She’s 26 and has been saving up for a deposit on a house since she was 18.

“I worked loads of jobs throughout university and saved every penny I had just to get by,” she said.

“I managed to get through it debt-free by working and landed myself a really good job in the tech industry.”

After eight years of hard work and stowing away all the funds she had, she feels ready to obtain a mortgage for a home by next year.

The only person somewhat opposed to that plan is her 31-year-old boyfriend.

Interestingly, her boyfriend has been making almost double her annual salary for over a decade. However, he isn’t in the same place as her financially, as he tends to blow all of it the moment it hits his account.

“He has a massive amount of extra income each month but chooses not to save it but to spend it on drugs, booze, and video games,” she explained.

Anastasiia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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