
She’s Not Buying A Baby Shower Gift For Her Sister’s Sixth Child Because She Believes Her Sister Should Already Have Everything She Needs

New Africa
New Africa - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Some people think that baby showers are unnecessary for parents who have already had two or three kids. However, what would you do if you were invited to a celebration for your sibling’s sixth child?

This woman is in the same situation right now because her sister is currently pregnant with her sixth baby. And just the other day, she was shocked to receive a link to her sister’s baby registry.

For some context, her sister already had her fifth baby, a daughter, just last year.

“So I’m confused why my sister needs all these things again, especially since this baby is also a girl,” she explained.

She has personally never seen the point in buying brand-new baby clothes, either, given the fact that kids outgrow them so quickly. She knows that expensive onesies are sometimes worn only once.

“And in my opinion, babies don’t care if something is secondhand, so why not reuse what you already have?” she asked.

On top of that, she and her husband are only in their 20s, and the reason they don’t have children of their own yet is because they simply cannot afford it.

Her sister, on the other hand, keeps welcoming more kids into the world, and she and her husband are constantly expected to gift them all something, whether it’s for a birthday, a holiday, or a dance recital.

“If we don’t, they give us grief, not realizing how much pressure it puts on us and other family members,” she detailed.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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