
She’s Calling Out How Some Women Are Taking The Office Siren Trend To An Extreme, Setting A Bad Example For Impressionable Younger Corporate Girls

She has a great point; nobody wants to get in trouble with HR for their outfit choice!

Anyway, Ash jumps right in by saying some of the ways girls are dressing online has left her convinced that they either don’t actually work in corporate America or a real-life office or they use their inappropriate outfits to get views but then change before heading into work for the day.

This is concerning, as it is setting a bad example for impressionable younger women who might not understand the nuances of dressing for the office in an acceptable way.

“There is no office in the world I know of that would let office siren attire pass,” Ash explains. “I’ve worked office jobs for years, and I can tell you that every single outfit that I’ve seen on the office siren TikTok…none of those would be allowed.”

“I have worn full pantsuits before and I have been called into HR over something about it being inappropriate.”

Ash turns to address younger women just starting out in their professions, who might not know about all the unspoken rules of dressing for the office.

Ash says you shouldn’t be following the more extreme forms of office siren outfit advice, as it’s only going to hurt, not help, you in the end.

You could be written up by HR, Ash points out, or you could even risk losing your job over how you dress.

“I’m someone who fully believes in look good, do good, feel good,” Ash adds. “I do like waking up and putting effort into the way that I look for work, but making how I look when I go to my job my main priority would get me nowhere.”

“So I’m telling you right now, as an office girl, office siren doesn’t exist. Don’t wear those clothes. Don’t try to wear those clothes. You can look cute and professional at the same time.”

“You’re not trying to look like an office siren; you’re trying to look professional. Please, please, please do not think that these outfits are appropriate in the real world.”

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