
She’s Being Pressured To Donate Her Kidney To Her Sister, But She Doesn’t Want To Risk Her Own Life To Save Someone Who Made Her Childhood So Difficult

So, in addition to the fact that her sister has never been more than emotionally distant and sometimes cruel to her, she doesn’t see the point in risking her own life to save hers.

Still, her relatives have been putting a ton of pressure on her since finding out she’s a match, and they’re making her feel guilty, telling her she should set aside her dislike toward her sister and go through with the donation.

Yet the surgery wouldn’t only affect her sister’s life. It would drastically impact hers, too.

“I’m feeling a lot of guilt and confusion because while I want to be supportive, I also don’t want to sacrifice my own well-being and mental health for someone who has made my life difficult,” she admitted.

Do you think she should donate her kidney to her sister or not? What would you do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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