
She Won’t Donate Her Kidney To Her Dying Brother Since He Constantly Bullied Her Throughout Their Childhood And Never Once Apologized

They also claimed that, as a sister, it was her “duty” to help Jake out. Even with his life on the line, though, she’s not sure how to feel, given how badly he treated her in the past.

She pointed out how Jake has never actually apologized to her for the bullying or bothered to reach out at all. To her, it seems like he still does not care.

Her parents, on the other hand, won’t stop accusing her of being selfish and “letting her brother die” only because of a grudge.

“Of course, he is my brother, and I love him, but my health isn’t the greatest, too, and I worry about the effects this might have on me,” she vented.

Conversely, the idea of losing her brother is still heartbreaking despite everything he put her through.

Nonetheless, with her parents painting her as the bad guy here, she’s starting to feel guilty and isn’t sure if not wanting to donate her kidney really is so wrong.

Should anyone ever feel pressured into making such a huge decision? What advice would you give her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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