
She Withdrew All Her Savings And Opened A New Account That Her Husband Cannot Access Because He Won’t Stop Lending Money To His Parents

Her husband has continued disregarding their own monetary needs and lending even more to his parents since then, too. For instance, one month ago, she realized $600 had vanished from their savings account, and her husband admitted that it was given to her in-laws.

She tried to find out when they’d pay the $600 back, as she needed it for bills. Yet, her husband just claimed he wasn’t sure when his parents would be able to repay them.

“I was furious, not just because of the money, but because he didn’t ask me. We didn’t discuss it,” she explained.

“He acted behind my back, knowing I’d be mad and would have said no. We had a huge fight, and I hoped that after that, he’d stop. But he didn’t.”

Rather, she found out another $900 was missing from their savings yesterday. Spoiler alert: it went to her in-laws again, and she was livid.

She finally told her husband that she was done with his parents and wanted to separate their finances. She will happily pay half of their bills and buy groceries, but that’s all.

“If he wants to give all his disability payments to his parents, fine, but I’m not going to work 60 hours a week just for him to give our money away,” she vented.

She also went to the bank, withdrew all the cash she’d saved up, and opened a new account that her husband had no access to.

He called her a jerk over this and insisted that she should want his parents to be happy. Nonetheless, she’s finished funding their happiness at the price of her own well-being, and she doesn’t know if that’s so unreasonable or not.

Should both spouses have to agree before any money is lent to relatives? How would you feel if your husband kept prioritizing his parents over your own financial needs? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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