
She Went To A Rich Couple’s Wedding, And They Made Their Wedding Party The Free Labor

Pink and white wedding bouquet stands in the middle of dinner table
IVASHstudio - - illustrative purposes only

Over the weekend, this woman attended a wedding along with her husband, and she was his plus-one.

The wedding happened on Sunday evening, which she thought was ridiculous. While it was located in a city, which wasn’t as bad as being in the sticks, the fact that it was on Sunday night meant that the majority of the wedding guests had to get up super early the following morning to get flights home.

Throughout the whole weekend, her husband was tasked with a long list of responsibilities, such as setting up the entire welcome day event and then cleaning afterward.

The members of the wedding party were the free labor, and she was horrified that they were expected to act like employees instead of guests.

“I am friends with one of the bridesmaids, and she showed me a text from the bride with all of the bridesmaids’ duties, which also included helping with set up, clean up, picking up various things like flowers and the wedding dress, coordinating with all the vendors, etc.,” she explained.

“I asked if the couple had hired a planner and was told they did not, not even a month-of coordinator. [The] bridesmaid told me she paid for her own dress that the bride picked ($200-300), bought specific shoes per the bride’s request, and the bride didn’t even treat the bridesmaids to lunch on the wedding day, so they were all starving by the time the wedding happened.”

“I’m shocked because, to my understanding, this couple is well-off, and the wedding was black tie… The venue was nice, there was a big live band that played all night, and the food was good.”

Since the bride and groom are rich, she’s clueless as to why they decided to host more of a DIY-style wedding since they had the money and means to do more.

The majority of the wedding party appeared exhausted from having to do so many tasks, and her husband was so wiped out he wasn’t able to have a good time at the wedding.

Pink and white wedding bouquet stands in the middle of dinner table
IVASHstudio – – illustrative purposes only

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