
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Didn’t Remember Her Name And Said He Knew She Didn’t Eat All Day So She Could Avoid Looking Fat In Her Dress

Attractive couple having lunch in hotel restaurant
rilueda - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 27-year-old woman knows ghosting is a very childlike way to handle other adults, but a few evenings ago, she went on a date that turned into a nightmare.

The date was so bad that she would love to ghost this guy and never speak to him again, but she’s debating if this is the right way to deal with him.

They made plans to have dinner together at a restaurant at 7 p.m. When the clock struck 7, he sent her a text saying he needed another half hour as he was in the middle of doing his laundry.

Now, she was already at the restaurant because she was respectful and on time. However, this guy took more than 30 minutes to get there, and he had no problem making her wait around for his arrival.

“He finally showed up at 7:45 after I’d already ordered and mostly drank a whole beer, and he brought his own drink from outside,” she explained.

“Off to a great start. He looked way older in person than his photos, so I gently asked him his age, expecting him to say 38-40. He said 29 and then asked, “You’re older than me, right?” I was so shocked, I just stared at him.”

He then questioned her about if she was the girl with children. She has no children, and this guy mixed her up with another girl he was speaking to.

After it dawned on him that he had messed up, he said sorry but then wanted to know what her name was since he didn’t remember that detail.

“So yeah, I went on a date with a guy who had no idea who I was, even though we’d been talking daily for two weeks,” she said.

Attractive couple having lunch in hotel restaurant
rilueda – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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