
She Walked Out Of Her Own Proposal Because Her Boyfriend Popped The Question At Her Law School Graduation And Made Her Big Day All About Himself

Tim suddenly got down on one knee and proposed to her. And while she loves her boyfriend, she couldn’t understand why he decided to pop the question right then and there. The worst part, though, was how Tim included absolutely nothing about her graduation, hard work, or how proud he was of her in his speech.

“The entire speech was about how we were meant to be together, how happy he was to finally ‘lock me down,’ and how it was the perfect time for him to propose,” she revealed.

“It felt like he was making the day about him and our relationship rather than the accomplishment I had just worked so hard for.”

She was totally shocked as well and literally just stood there. She wasn’t even able to pay attention to Tim’s speech. All she could think about was how the graduation was supposed to be “her moment.”

It felt like Tim had just hijacked a day meant to celebrate her success, and she felt really overwhelmed. That’s why she ended up quietly walking out on her own proposal just to process the whole situation.

Her boyfriend found her a bit later, and he was furious at her. He accused her of embarrassing him in front of everyone and claimed she should’ve just accepted the proposal.

“I told him how upset I was that he chose that moment to propose and that I felt like he turned my big day into something about him. He didn’t seem to understand why I was so hurt, and now we’re barely speaking,” she detailed.

All of her loved ones are also pretty divided on what went down. Some of her friends think she overreacted and should’ve just been happy about the proposal. As for her parents, her mom gets why she reacted that way; meanwhile, her dad suggested that she could’ve gone along with the proposal before talking to Tim in private afterward.

“And I’m left wondering if this was just a case of bad timing or if it’s a sign of something deeper about how Tim views our relationship,” she vented.

How would you have felt in her shoes? Do you agree that Tim’s decision to propose during her graduation seems like a red flag? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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