
She Refused To Let Her Neighbor Throw Their Son’s Birthday Party In Her Backyard, And Her Neighbor Threatened To Do It Anyway

She held her ground, though, and told her neighbor that it still wasn’t happening. And at that point, her neighbor became even ruder and had the nerve to say, “I’ll just do it anyway. It’s not like you’re using your backyard all day.”

She couldn’t believe the woman was threatening to have a party in her own backyard without her permission. However, her neighbor was dead serious and claimed the rest of their neighborhood was “expecting” this event.

Afterward, her neighbor stormed off, and now, some other residents in the community have been badmouthing her, acting like she’s a jerk for not wanting dozens of kids making a mess in her garden.

Nonetheless, in the wake of all this drama, she’s wondering if turning her neighbor down was truly so crazy or not.

Would you want to host a party for someone else’s child in your backyard? Was her neighbor out of line?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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