
She Planned Her Sister’s Wedding Anniversary Celebration And Wants To Tell Her Sister The Truth Since She Hates Her Brother-In-Law

Ryzhkov Oleksandr
Ryzhkov Oleksandr - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old woman’s older sister, who’s 37, is currently married, but she absolutely hates her sister’s husband.

For some context, her sister tied the knot 16 years ago, and she’s never liked her brother-in-law. She thinks he is rude, dumb, and inconsiderate to everyone around him.

“My sister is not really in love with him anymore because of all the weaponized incompetence he throws at her and the fact that he refuses to go to therapy or take his prescribed depression medication, which makes him a monster,” she explained.

He doesn’t even make her sister feel special on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day.

Plus, whenever her sister asks her brother-in-law for some help around the house, he causes a big fuss.

“He’d rather sit on his phone than interact with her and their kids. He will play with them, but he has no patience as a father,” she admitted.

Her sister is understandably unhappy in this marriage, too, and she hasn’t hesitated to talk about that. In fact, her sister has openly discussed how she wants to get a divorce with both her and her brother-in-law.

Apparently, her sister is waiting to leave until the children are grown and out of their house, and until then, her sister and her brother-in-law are basically just co-parenting.

They don’t show any affection toward each other, physical or emotional, and her brother-in-law is always happier while away on work trips than when he’s home with his family.

Ryzhkov Oleksandr – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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