
She Knocked Out Another Mom For Failing To Do Anything About Her Bully Of A Son

Outdoor portrait of attractive young woman with long brown hair
annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman’s husband passed away, and now she’s a single mom to their three kids: a 16-year-old daughter, a 13-year-old son, and a 6-year-old daughter.

She works two different jobs so that she can afford to send her kids to a highly-rated school district.

“My son has always been well-liked at school and excited to go to school every morning, waking up at the crack of dawn to do his hair, shower, and match his outfit,” she explained.

“About 6 weeks ago, my son came home and was very down and asked if he could miss school the next day (Friday).”

“I personally believe in mental health days for kids; they all have great grades and do not abuse their option to have a mental health day. Monday comes around, and my son is having panic attacks back to back, begging me not to send him to school.”

She sat down to talk to her son, and he revealed to her that he was being bullied, and that was the reason why he had anxiety about going back.

She saw red, especially since the bullying began after her son did something very kind for a female classmate.

Another boy her son goes to school with named Gerald took her son’s act of kindness and twisted it.

Gerald started bullying her son for “flirting” with this girl he helped. From there, Gerald shoved her son, spread terrible rumors about him, and sent him harassing texts.

Outdoor portrait of attractive young woman with long brown hair
annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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