
She Just Graduated With A Business Degree But Wants To Be A Chef, And Her Parents Think She’s Making A Massive Mistake She’ll Regret Forever

view on handsome young smiling woman chef wearing in white suit at kitchen. Blurred background
fesenko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 22-year-old woman recently graduated from college with a business degree, which her parents always pushed her to get. They believed studying business was a “safe route,” and she went along with the plans they’d laid out for her.

But, now that she’s out of school and has had a chance to do some “soul searching,” she’s very passionate about something else: cooking.

“So I decided to pursue a career as a chef, even though my parents are completely against it,” she revealed.

For some context, both of her parents are in their fifties and always pressured her to pursue more traditional careers, viewing them as more stable. She knows that her parents sacrificed a lot to send her to a good college, too, including working long hours, taking on debt, and putting their own dreams on hold.

“I genuinely appreciate what they’ve done for me,” she clarified, “But I can’t just ignore what I want for my life.”

She recently mustered up the courage to tell her parents that as well. Unfortunately, they were less than pleased.

Her mom began crying, accusing her of throwing her future away and “wasting” everything they’d sacrificed. Her mom even called her ungrateful and selfish, saying that she was making a massive mistake she’d regret forever.

Her dad also took her mom’s side and claimed she was making a foolish decision. Finally, he made it clear that if she ended up going broke because of this, they wouldn’t help her out.

Their reactions were extremely hurtful for her to hear, especially since her mom went so far as to bring up all of her friend’s children, who already have stable jobs. That just made her feel even worse.

view on handsome young smiling woman chef wearing in white suit at kitchen. Blurred background
fesenko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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