
She Has No Interest In Ever Getting Married Because She Doesn’t Want To Risk Her Career Or Job Security, But A Guy She’s Seeing Thinks She’ll Regret That Later

Beautiful woman in red dress
racool_studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman has been a career-oriented person throughout her entire life. She’s worked extremely hard to land a stable job with solid benefits, and she loves the financial independence and independence it provides her.

That’s why she’s never been super interested in tying the knot. Sure, she’s been in some relationships over the years, but she never wanted to take that next big step.

After seeing how much marriage changed her loved ones’ lives, she realized it didn’t seem right for her.

“I’ve watched multiple friends, coworkers, and even family members get married, and their careers always seem to take a hit,” she explained.

Sometimes, people are forced to prioritize their spouse’s needs over their own, for instance, relocating when their spouse gets a new job. Or, they need to take time off from work to attend to family responsibilities, which can stunt their professional growth.

Plus, if couples decide to start a family, she believes it’s “game over” for many of their careers.

“Even in the best of marriages, I’ve noticed the women often end up taking on more domestic responsibilities, which then affects their work-life balance. I just don’t want to go through that,” she admitted.

So, whenever she’s dated men in the past, she’s made it crystal clear that she wasn’t looking to wed. After she recently began seeing a new 32-year-old guy, though, he seemed to have a problem with that.

He actually claimed it was “weird” for a woman her age to not want to get married.

Beautiful woman in red dress
racool_studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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