
She Got Caught In A Pay It Forward Chain At Starbucks, But She Refused To Spend $42 For The Person Behind Her In The Drive-Thru Line

“And I said, ‘I guess the streak ends with me today,'” she revealed.

Well, the barista was clearly caught off guard and apparently looked at her like she was the biggest jerk on the planet. Quite frankly, though, she didn’t care if anyone thought she was rude.

“Because I am not ever going to pay $42 for an entire car’s drinks and food because some other nice individual paid for my $4 cup,” she vented.

Still, she can’t help but wonder if that’s really so crazy or not.

Have you ever paid it forward in a drive-thru? Can you understand why she reacted the way she did? What would you have done in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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