Categories: Relationships

She Ghosted Her Best Friend Who’s In The Middle Of Getting Divorced After Learning Her Friend Started Seeing Her Ex-Boyfriend Despite Thinking She Might Still Have Feelings For Him

Katharina Buczek

This woman’s best friend has been stuck in a toxic, back-and-forth relationship with her husband of 12 years for the last six months, and they’re getting divorced. Her friend was sadly cheated on.

“And he never stopped and continued to use and play my friend, and she was devastated every time,” she detailed.

She was there for her friend during every single up and down as well, even though she also happened to be going through her own rough breakup.

Her friend knew about her relationship issues, too, and they’d sometimes talk about her feelings. Yet, in the end, their discussions always circled back to her best friend’s marriage problems.

“And I was okay with that because I understand ending a 12-year relationship was much harder than the short relationship I was leaving,” she explained.

Nonetheless, she admits that her own relationship was quite toxic as well. Her boyfriend began by love-bombing her, and then all of his efforts quickly fizzled out. He only did just enough to keep her around, and eventually, he dumped her.

She realizes that her now ex-boyfriend wasn’t good for her. And she was able to get over him quickly.

But what she didn’t expect was her best friend to go running to him behind her back.

She only found out about this just recently. Apparently, in the midst of her friend’s divorce, her friend just decided to start seeing her ex-boyfriend.

Vladimir Arndt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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